Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Reviews

Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Reviews

You are here: Home / Testosterone Boosters / P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Review – Tackles the BIG THREE for a BIG Price

What's the point of testosterone if you have nothing to show for it?

Mental stability, physical longevity, general wellbeing… Sure, these outcomes of healthy T levels are great and all, but you can't Instagram mental stability nor does anyone really get jealous over your wellbeing.

The true value of testosterone is measured inMUSCLES, DOGG.

Cellucor gets this, which is why this supplement isn't P6 Testosterone Booster but ratherP6ErgogenicTestosterone Booster — the operative word being "ergogenic" as in straight athletic muscle-building kick-assery.

But who cares what it's called. Let's check out it's performance in this review.

About P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster

Cellucor brings another P6 formula to the table: P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster, or P6 Red if you're in the know, a test booster that views test not as its final outcome but as a tool towards the ultimate goal: Bigger muscles. Formula notes:

  • P6 Extreme Blend:We've seen the P6 Xtreme Blend before but not we're looking at the P6 Extreme Blend, which is about as different as its change in spelling.
  • Tribulus Alatus:Not too many T-boosters choose the superior Trib option (Alatus) over its cheaper counterpart (Tribulus). Props to Cellucor.
  • Arm & Leg:That's how much this product costs, potentially two arms and/or two legs, depending on which appendage you value less.

P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 60
Ingredients Amount Per Serving
P6 Extreme Blend 1114 mg
Adaptest™ Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract, Ovine Placenta Powder, Agaricus bisporus fruit extract, Saw Palmetto fruit extract, Wild Yam root extract (standardized for Diosgenin), Stinging Nettle root extract, Myrica rubra bark extract (standardized for Myricetin), Clary Sage whole plant extract (standardized for Sclareolide)
Tribulus alatus fruit extract 250 mg
Other Ingredients:
Capsule Shell (Gelatin, Titanium Dioxide, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #40), Magnesium Stearate, Silica. Contains: Milk.
Take one serving (2 capsules) in the morning with or without food. Take one serving (2 capsules) in the evening before bed with or without food. DO NOT EXCEED 4 CAPSULES PER DAY. USE ONLY AS DIRECTED.

The tell-tale signs of a P6 product: Potent herbal extracts, proprietary blends, & FD&C colored pills.

Sounds like we have a Cellucor supplement on our hand. And judging by the price of this one, it better damn well be worth it. On that note, our first impressions of the Supplement Facts: It looks really good & really annoying.

Good for its potent plants.

Annoying for its proprietary blend status.

Although, to get the full picture of both the good & annoying, we'll need to dive deeper into the Supplement Facts, starting with:

P6 Extreme Blend, 1114 mg

Another P6 Review

It's almost the P6 Xtreme™ Blend found in P6 Xtreme (check out our P6 Xtreme Review), except worse. And there are two things that make it worse:

  1. The Dosage – This blend has 1114 mg, the P6 Xtreme version has 2600 mg
  2. Proper Spelling – "Extreme" is way uncooler than "Xtreme"

What this blend keeps the same isAdaptest Ashwagandha, the leading ingredient in both blends, featuring an adaptogenic anti-stress test-boosting element to this formula.Less stress, more T meansmore muscle. Great for ergogenic performance. Other consistencies include:

  • Ovine Placenta – Yeck. Supposedly increases growth hormone.
  • Agaricus Bisporus – Inhibits T conversion to estrogen
  • Saw Palmetto – Inhibits T conversion to DHT
  • Stinging Nettle Inhibits T binding to SHBG

The remaining ingredients include sources of Diosgenin (steroidal saponin), myricetin (antioxidant flavonoid), & sclareolide (marketed for weightloss, no evidence of this), which might contribute to healthy male performance.

Tribulus Alatus extract, 250 mg

P6 deserves major props for siding with thereal Tribulus: Tribulus alatus.

Not theTribulus terrestris everyone seems to fancy these days. (Is it cheaper? Is that it? Is that why everyone uses it?) TT earned a spot on our BIG List of T-Boosters as an herb thatdoesn't boost T but is great for male health. And this is mostly true: TT assists with male hormone precursors, potentially aiding T status for older men or men with initially low T status, but on the whole… Nah, for most men, it simply boosts energy & libido, not via test.

Tribulus alatus is much of the same story, except it's believed to be more bioactively concentrated than its counterpart, with some rat research demonstrating test boosting potential. Granted, rats aren't humans…but some humans are rats!

Snitches get stitches, ratboys

Formula Analysis

P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster, orP6 Red (note the red label), doesn't view testosterone as the endgame but rather a 1/3 component of the big picture, which isBIG muscles.

And the other 2 components?

  • Estrogen– Thanks to Agaricus bisporus' anti-aromatase action.
  • DHT – Saw Palmetto's inhibition of 5-α reductase.

By reducing estrogen (a catabolic agent) & DHT (for prostate protection) and consequently increasing "free" T levels (further supported by Stinging Nettle's anti-SHBG effects), P6 Ergogenic supports ergogenic male performance & bodybuilding.

Tribulus Alatus? Sure, it helps, at least on the energy side of the equation. Regardless, we appreciate the herb's extract quality, as well as the general quality of P6's ingredients.

What about the quantity?

Yaaaa that's an issue. Namely because P6's proprietary blend hides the individual ingredient dosages. Although, the double daily serving directive (2 capsules in the morning, 2 at night) may provide enough daily intake for each ingredient to have a significant effect.

But, like, we cain't know this for sure, mmkay, unless they show it to us.

P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Benefits

Cellucor boasts of the "BIG THREE" in this product's benefit claims:

  1. Increase Test
  2. Inhibit Estrogen Formation
  3. Reduce DHT Formation

The "BIG THREE" is the bread-&-butter of anabolic, ergogenic muscle gains, and a recurrent muscle-building benefit of Cellucor test booster products. Presumably, P6 Ergogenic addresses the BIG THREE more directly than Cellucor's other P6 products, although the price per potential ratio is slightly skewed in the wrong direction with this formula — as opposed to previous P6 formulations. Even so, P6 Ergogenic delivers the ergogenic benefits it claims.

Who Takes It?

Men with money to spend.P6 Ergogenic isn't your run of the mill testosterone booster. Or at least it doesn't view itself as such, charging nearly* a triple figure price. (*Nearly determined by 1 penny.) Cellucor delivers solid products, some of which are cheaper than this with similar formula design, so we recommend checking out their other products before jumping onto R6 Red.

Any Side Effects?

None reported.For the most part, the P6 Ergogenic customer reviews are positive, of which none have reported any serious (or even mild) side effects. And we're not expecting any with these ingredients.

P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Summary


  • Cellucor Quality.Top quality herbal extracts all around.
  • 3-Dimensional. Testosterone, Estrogen, & DHT all addressed here.
  • T. Alatus.Is it the best ingredient? No, but it's better than the usual T. Terrestris.


  • Prop Blend.Another Cellucor staple: dosage-masking prop blends.
  • Price.These ingredients are good but are they reallythatgood??
  • Junk Additives. Another Cellucor staple: FD&C colored pills.

Pricing & Buying Info

  • 1 Bottle (1 month): $99.99
  • Available online and in retail stores

Final Word on P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster

The variety of P6 products in Cellucor's T-booster roster is impressive on its own. But does P6 Ergogenic Testosterone Booster (P6 Red) make a positive contribution? We say yes, although it's a pricey contribution. If you're still unsure, check out the other P6 formulas and our Best 5 Testosterone Supplements before spending that dough.

Our Rating

Ergogenic Testosterone Booster Reviews


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